Laser Therapy
Reducing pain and promoting healing is one of our top priorities at Dickson Veterinary Clinic, and that is why we offer low level laser therapy to patients who need help with bone repair, wound healing, reduction of inflammation and tendon/ligament repair.
Low level laser therapy is a procedure that uses low-level lasers to energize and stimulate basic molecules which activate the natural healing capabilities of the body's cells. Low level laser therapy stimulates osteoblast, fibroblast, stem cells, skin tissue, nervous tissue, immune cells and a wide assortment of other tissue structures and cells. Targeting these cells can promote the release of important molecules that support increased blood flow, collagen synthesis, cell recruitment, mineralization, skin cell replication, nerve tissue regeneration, reduction of scar tissue and tissue repair.
While most non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS) can reduce pain and inflammation, that is all that they can do. Pain is actually a superficial issue that is the result of a mild or serious injury. Low level laser therapy is the tool that can not only suppress inflammation and pain, but it can also stimulate the aforementioned cells to address the true underlying problem and promote a healing environment.
Suppressing pain is important, but the healing of the injured tissue is just as important, and low level laser therapy has proven to do both. Additionally, low level laser therapy can enhance the effects of NSAIDS in patients where both tools can be used together.
Conditions that can benefit from treatment with low level laser therapy include:
- • Anti-bacterial, ear infections & skin allergies
- • Chronic non-healing wounds
- • Chronic joint pain
- • Muscle strains and tears
- • Degenerative conditions such as navicular syndrome
- • Post surgical pain
- • Tendon and ligament injuries
- • Bone fractures
- • Hip dysplasia
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